Monday, May 7, 2007

Kara's so Sweet.

Proof that Kara's sweetness garners brand recognition.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Kara Legacy Foundation

When Kara left, it left a hole in our collective hearts (tears). It
was not a hole dug in sand on the beach, only to be filled in by the
rising tide; it was a heartal hole akin to the massive hole left by
the planes and buildings at Ground Zero. The hole has been hewn in
concrete and twisted metal and baby kittens. It's a wrecked, wretched
abyss. It will likely take years of pain and billions of dollars to
start afresh (please send donations c/o this blog). Ten, twenty,
thirty years from now, we'll remember this time. Not the exact time
you're reading this blog, but the general time Kara left us. We'll
hold memorials. We'll build colossal effigies. We'll dry our tears on
entire rolls of toilet paper.

I just hope it turns out that good.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I was thinking today of the many lovely hours i spent looking through Kara's window, and how much i miss those beautiful moments. OK, so i never actually looked through her window. What do you think i am, a sicko? Well anyway, i digress. It has been a week since she left me, and i just don't know how i am going to make it. I really Kara-bout her. I don't care if you move to North Karalina, i will still love you. Kara, come back!!!!! Come on baby!!!!! Kara, remember, you complete me. And so i bid adieu. Till next time.